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Bienvenue chez vous !

Je suis Angella Jaber

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I’ve always believed if you live right, then once is enough.

As a licensed psychiatrist, I use my understanding of the human mind and my passion for living life to the fullest to empower others to step into who they really are.

My courses will help you make the mind, body, soul connection to uncover the most authentic version of yourself.


Où que vous en soyez de votre parcours, j'ai forcément le programme qu'il vous faut.

Lire ses Annales Akashiques

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Se connecter à son âme

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Abondance financière

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Féminin sacré

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Abondance financière

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Plusieurs dizaines de méditations vibratoires vous attendent. Enregistrées sous inspiration, chacune d'elles vous accompagne dans la guérison et l'expansion. 


Choisissez votre méditation

"After just 2 weeks of working with Taylor, I’ve made some massive shifts in my mindset and my daily routine. I’m hopeful for the new future I’m creating."

Maisy Bouchey

"This time last year, I was a frazzled mother of 2, just barely getting by. Thanks to Taylor’s courses, I’m a happier, healthier person for myself and my family."

Janell Parks
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